Wednesday 19 February 2014

Introductory Business Practices

MGMT115-1401B-03 Introductory Business Practices
Task Name:
Phase 1 Individual Project
Deliverable Length:
700-850 words
Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.  All submissions require references.
Assignment form to use for this Individual Project in Reading Assignment section of this Phase.
Given the importance of business in an economy, discuss any TWO of the following issues providing examples wherever possible. Format your report so that each section will be clearly identified.
Try to give approximately equal weight to each topic chosen.
  • Business can be structured in many different ways and the approach chosen usually reflects the type of business operation. Discuss.
  • Ethical principles contribute to good business operations. Discuss
  • In the modern world Corporate Social Responsibility is of increasing importance. Why?
  • Staring a new business may seem relatively easy but succeeding with a new business is not. Discuss.
  • There is little difference between service and manufacturing business. Discuss.
Please submit your assignment.
Click on Student Expectations to view the expectations for this assignment.

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